
Preparing Your Child For Guitar Lessons

When it comes to learning to play guitar, there is no definitive answer as to what age is best. However, starting as a youngster has many advantages. Learning to play an instrument at a young age not only teaches new skills, but also helps with reading, math, and boosts self-esteem and confidence. Learning to play the guitar offers the opportunity to develop a talent that can last a lifetime.

As a rule of thumb, most people believe that children aged 5 to 7, who can hold a properly sized guitar, may be ready to start. However, it’s important to keep in mind that each child is different. Age is not the only factor to consider; factors such as a child’s concentration, ability to hold the guitar, and willingness to learn should also be considered.

Before investing in guitar lessons or purchasing a guitar, take advantage of our free taster guitar lesson to gauge your child’s readiness and determine if they’re the right size to hold and play the guitar. Our experienced instructors can help you determine if your child can handle a guitar and show them the proper techniques to learn the instrument.

If you’re wondering how to tell if your child is ready to start playing guitar, here are five signs to look for:

1. Interest: Is your child passionate about guitar-based music?

2. Focus: Can your child concentrate for a minimum of 30 minutes?

3. Practice: Are they willing to follow a regular practice schedule and dedicate 15 minutes a day to honing their skills?

4. Dexterity: While most children have basic finger dexterity, it’s important to keep in mind that playing the guitar requires physical strength and practice.

5. Maturity: It’s essential that your child has the maturity and attentiveness to listen to their instructor and practice at home.

When it comes to starting out, there are several guitar tips to keep in mind, such as choosing the right guitar size and strings, practicing regularly, and using a tuner. Additionally, musicians love to jam, so encourage your child to play with others to showcase their talent, build their confidence, and gain new perspectives.


and most importantly

Always remember, do not worry & enjoy learning to play the guitar!

At Cord Music, we believe that it's never too late to learn to play guitar.

Whether you're a child or an adult, as long as you have the passion and desire to learn, we can help you achieve your goals.

Learning an instrument can bring families together, as it provides a common interest and activity.

Music has a way of connecting people, and we're excited to help you discover the joys of playing the guitar.

Also, it's beneficial to read this article includes our advice before buying your first guitar

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